AGM 2021 – Meeting agenda

Notice of Kirkendall Neighbourhood Association Annual General Meeting

Thursday, April 22 at 7:00 p.m. via Zoom online.

To join the meeting click here or enter the following information at to join the meeting:

  • Meeting ID: 869 1890 4709
  • Passcode: 251617

Guest Speakers

Ward 1 Councillor Maureen Wilson – updates from the City of Hamilton

A/Sargeant  A. Butt, Hamilton Police Services – update to community & response to community crime survey

Kirkendall Garden Club – How to incorporate pollinators into your garden

We will also be discussing Beautiful Alleys and our year end review, in addition to holding elections for Members-at-large for the KNA Executive Committee.

See detailed meeting agenda: 20210422-KNA AGM Agenda

We hope you can join us!

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